Thursday 14 April 2011

Week 10


Below are the storyboards for the characters animation. this will make it easier to animate as all the actions will be planned, and the main poses have been decided on. i decided to show my character doing a variety of actions, including flipping, swinging, walking, tightrope walking and waving.

Audio considerations

The character is a circus gymnast, so the music would probably have to be some sort of fairground style tune. the character himself would have a deep voice, with a french accent. he would speak loudly to show confidence, one of his main characteristics.

Body language

The character is defined more by his actions than his body language, though these two do link together. he has many 'crowd pleasing' moves such as the high flying flips, bowing and flexing, to emphasise his love for performance. he is also very proud and confident, shown by looking around and keeping his head and shoulders high.

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